Data Language in the Press
Data Language in the Press

Data Language in the Press

Press featuring Data Language News and Opinion; Knowledge Graph and AI Products, Data Platforms, Digital Transformation, and more.

Links to some of our recent press, covering digital publishing technologies, knowledge graph, and AI innovation spaces.

Data Science Central

Boosting video “surface area” for discoverability with knowledge graphs
FAIR Data Forecast interview with Todd Carter “Most video assets are hugely underperforming,” Todd Carter, CTO of Resolute Square, said in our Personal Knowledge Graph working group interview with him. “I know you all are practitioners used to indexable metadata, but that’s not what we have here.” Resolute Square (RS) is a Public Benefit Corporation… Read the full article about the Data Language content graph platform here.

The AI Journal

AI – How it’s revolutionising publishing
Our CPO Matt Shearer covers how AI auto-tagging and knowledge graphs are revolutionising the digital publishing industry.


What is the Future of Data Management?
Matt Shearer, Chief Product Officer at Data Language, discusses the future of data management and business information best practices.

IT PRO Magazine

Comment on Google's Web3 Cloud Developer Tools plans
Matt Shearer, CPO at Data Language, comments on trends and capabilities in Web3, around Google's plans for Web3 cloud dev tools.

The AI Journal

The most common problems when it comes to data for AI
Matt Shearer, CPO at Data Language, discusses the role of domain modeling and knowledge graphs in good information management.

Information Age

How knowledge graphs can improve content reach and engagement
Matt Shearer, CPO at Data Language, outlines how knowledge graphs can be used to create a "single subject view", boosting Publishers' content reach and engagement.

THINK.Digital Partners

How healthcare organisations can benefit from emerging technologies
Julian Everett, CTO at Data Language delves into how healthcare organizations can benefit from emerging technologies – and in particular AI.


Meet Julian Everett, CTO at Data Innovation Consultancy & Solution Provider: Data Language
Our CTO, Julian Everett spoke with TechRound about Data Language's background, and mission to be the go-to vendor for knowledge graphs and AI products that enable global brands to leap ahead of the competition.

The AI Journal

Data Language announces a Knowledge Graph partnership with Janes
Press coverage on the knowledge graph partnership with Janes, including comment from Ben Conklin, CPO at Janes, and Paul Wilton, our CEO.

New Digital Age

How content classification tools can unlock the value of publishers’ data
Our CPO, Matt Shearer spoke to New Digital Age about how AI content classification tools and knowledge graphs can unlock the value of publishers’ data.

AI Business

What are the most common problems when it comes to data for AI?
Our Director of Product Innovation, Matt Shearer, recently spoke to AI Business about the most common problems when it comes to data for AI.

UK Tech News

How Law Firms Can Sidestep Three Classic Digitisation Mistake
We recently spoke to UK Tech News about how law firms can sidestep three classic digitisation mistakes.

AI Magazine

Forget the buzzwords: What will AI really look like in 2021
Our CPO, Matt Shearer, recently spoke to AI Magazine about the two key trends that will have the biggest impact on #AI in 2021.

Technology Magazine

Digitalisation: Start now or prepare to fail
We spoke to @Technology Magazine on how businesses approach digitalisation as part of their digital transformation strategy. Read the full article here: (page 34)


Solving Business Challenges Through Data
Our CPO Matt Shearer outlines the importance of portable data, and a strong data backbone in digital transformation projects.

New Digital Age

The Future of Personalised Video Advertising
Don't snoop, track and interrupt users! Video advertisers can do a better (and more ethical) job of raising user awareness of brands by using metadata to reach users at relevant moments. Matt Shearer comments on the structured data opportunity.

Silicon UK

Is Data the Answer To Business COVID-19 Recovery?
Our Product Director Matt Shearer comments on data fabrics, data readiness, and common distractions in digital transformations.

UK Tech News

How AI can shape Europe’s digital future
Our Head of Data, Fabio Colasanti, outlines three areas to address in order for Europe to become a global leader in AI.

Digital Innovation Magazine

Feature: Digital Roadmap – Five Best Practices
Our director of product innovation, Matt Shearer, explains what businesses need to do to become digitally adaptable.

New Digital Age

Video advertising is changing – but not because of COVID-19
Our director of product innovation, Matt Shearer, unpacks the trends in online video consumption that are being accelerated by COVID-19, and explains what advertisers must do to keep up with consumer demands.

Information Age

How DigitalOps links together business models and digital platforms
In this article, Data Language provides three steps a company should take in order to ensure that business models and digital platforms work together effectively.

Figaro Digital

A Moment(ous) Occasion for Video Tech
This article explores how content and digital marketers can best connect with their audience during the COVID-19 crisis, with specific attention to video moment innovation.

Connected Technology Solutions

Rapid response technical delivery at Cochrane
Our CTO Julian Everett outlines how Domain-Driven Design and a loosely coupled, cohesive technical architecture proves its worth in Cochrane’s rapid response to the coronavirus crisis.


前端福音:为什么使用 React 和 SVG 开发图形 UI 是天作之合?
Steve Liles' popular blog post about "Graphical UI's with SVG and React" is syndicated by InfoQ in China.

Silicon UK

What’s Next After Digitization?
In this article, Matt Shearer outlines how businesses must prepare themselves so that they can try new formats and business paradigms without huge rebuilds or duplication of work. Ask yourself: "What is stopping us from launching our next idea rapidly?"

What's New in Publishing

Auto-tagging: AI for publishing beyond the hype curve
We explore the heart of the metadata opportunity for publishers today: AI automated content classification.

New Digital Age

Tech For Good: Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register
Our CTO Julian Everett outlines how the Covid-19 Study Register is a crucial, trusted resource at a time when the evidence base is developing rapidly.