

Graph RAG (Graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is an advanced technique that improves upon the standard Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) approach using a Knowledge Graph.
How is Graph RAG better than standard RAG?

Graph RAG is better than standard RAG because it provides the LLM with richer information:

  1. Structured entity information: This includes details and properties of entities, not just text chunks.
  2. Relationships between entities: This allows the LLM to understand the bigger picture and connections between concepts.

Overall, Graph RAG enhances the LLM's ability to generate more accurate, contextual, and insightful responses.

Graph RAG vs Standard RAG

Standard RAG: It retrieves relevant information from a knowledge base (like a collection of documents) to feed a large language model (LLM). This can lead to limitations in context and factual accuracy.
Graph RAG: It incorporates a graph database as the knowledge source. This database structures information as a network of interconnected entities and their relationships.