Video Key Moments

Jamie Oliver uses Data Graphs for Video Moments

February 25, 2020
1 minute
The Jamie Oliver team is using Data Graphs - our Knowledge Graph SaaS - to create new "How To", promotion and Product promotion video moments. This is a Content Graph approach to video publishing.

We're really pleased to announce the launch of the Jamie Oliver Christmas "How To" video feature, powered by Data Graphs, our SaaS structured data video moments platform.
Jamie Oliver is using our platform to activate and enhance the valuable moments within his Christmas videos.

Data Graphs contextual commerce "Product Video Key Moments"

A product promotion "moment" on Jamie Oliver's Christmas Video Feature.

Data Graphs "How To" video moments.

The Jamie Oliver team are interested in whether users used videos "to cook along" - we are using our HowTo Video Key Moments to help users navigate between important steps.