Digital Publishing SVG
2022 Laura Cattaneo for Data Language use

The Resolute Square Linked Media Platform

We worked with Resolute Square, a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) started by The Lincoln Project, to deliver their media platform capability using a Content Graph

Data Graphs providing the CMS, DAM, VOD, MDM and a Knowledge Graph, as a Content Graph

Data Graphs enabled Resolute Square to combine CMS, VOD, DAM, SCV, MDM, live streaming, and a knowledge graph to connect the media, all in one place, in a content graph format.

This enabled the project to launch quickly, with an enterprise media publishing platform, complete with powerful APIs, without the need to integrate 4+ vendor solutions for this central purpose, giving us Speed-to-Market!

Resolute Square can now interlink its media easily, across platforms, in order to deliver rich user experiences, and to innovate and pivot rapidly on this API-first platform.

Partnership with Perfogram to provide ultra low-latency participatory live streaming

Another innovation in this project was the ultra-low-latency participatory live video streaming experience. This was provided by our friends at Perfogram.


Technologies Involved